Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Freshly Made Sketches #4

Happy Wednesday everybody!  Can you believe we are on Week 4 at Freshly Made Sketches already! Where does the time go!  We have a lot of exciting things happening next week, including the introduction of two new Design Team members.  They will be with us from October until March.  We can't wait to share who will be joining the "Clean Team". 

This week I am pleased to welcome Featured Designer LeAnne Pugliese from WEEinklings.  LeAnne and I met online in 2009 when I originally started blogging.  I met her through the Colour Throwdown, she was and still is a very supportive friend.  LeAnne was the one who convinced me to start up the Paper Players and backed me.  She is both talented and lovely.  Her work is always refreshing, unique and special.  She designs for the Paper Players, The Colour Q and the Colour Throwdown.  LeAnne is a pioneer of blogging and crafting, she has influenced and encouraged many stampers.  I just can't say enough about this wonderful lady!

This week's sketch features a TAG but please feel free to used any shape...just have fun!

We have a few simple rules to keep things fun and fair for all of our players:
  1. Please use any stampin' product you would like to use, but please avoid putting sales pitches into your post.
  2. Feel free to combine our sketch with up to 3 other challenges.
  3. Please add a DIRECT link to your blog when adding your card to the linky below.
  4. Please include our sketch and a link back to Freshly Made Sketches on your post.
  5. Have fun!
This challenge will end on Monday, October 3rd at NOON (PST). On Tuesday, October 4th, we will be announcing the winner of this week's sketch challenge who will known as the "Queen of Clean" and each Design Team Member will choose one "Princess".


  1. Fabulous sketch and fabulous cards ladies! LOVE your featured designer this week ;-)!

  2. Wow, thank you, Lesley, for such a glowing bio! I can feel my head getting bigger as I read it! LOL! I am honored to be a featured designer this week with such a great sketch and such a great bunch of creative stampers!

  3. Well shoot I might of missed the back panel -- oh well thanks for the sketch!! Loved it.

  4. Another wonderful Sketch, thank you ladies.

  5. Lovely blog and great Sketch, DT cards are al gorgeous xx

  6. Welcome Cindy and Jennifer--I know you're going to love being part of the great Team here. You girls are keeping it fresh.
