Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Freshly Made Sketches #43 - A Sketch by Tui

Welcome to Freshly Made Sketches!  Each week, one member of our design team creates a sketch for you to try, the twist is to keep your project clean-lined and fresh! Hi, Tui Nathan here and I have a fun sketch for you to have a play with.  Use it any way you like, keep it simple and fresh, or how about layers and textures, whichever you choose have fun and enjoy!  The "Clean Team" has come up with some "Freshly Made" designs to get you in the spirit! We are so excited to visit your blog and to see what YOU create with our sketch!

We have a few simple rules to keep things fun and fair for all of our players:
  1. Please use any crafting product you would like to use.
  2. Feel free to combine our sketch with up to THREE other challenges.
  3. Please add a DIRECT link to your blog when adding your card to the linky below.
  4. Please include our sketch and a link back to Freshly Made Sketches on your post.
  5. Have fun!
This challenge will end on Monday at Noon (PST). On Tuesday, we will be announcing the winner of this week's sketch challenge who will known as the "Queen of Clean" and each Design Team Member will choose one "Princess".


  1. Great sketch and amazing examples from the design team.

  2. Versatile sketch!! The DT's cards are wonderful!!!

  3. Super sketch and lots of great DT inspiration.

  4. What a great sketch - thanks so much!

    I appreciate all the DT Inspiration as well. I like to get around to all their blogs to leave them a comment, but our new Grandson was born yesterday and I'm not going to have much computer time for the next little while!
    Cheers, Karen

  5. Thanks for the awesome inspiration and fun sketch to play with!

  6. Wow, almost 100 entries! That's as awesome as this sketch! Thanks for all the inspiration.

  7. I love to craft, but am creatively challenged. The sketch is a great prompter to get my wheels turning!
